Dr. Darlene Treese
PO Box 547
Windermere, FL 34786
(480) 296-3358

New Office Address
2295 S. Hiawassee Rd,
Suite 309
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: 407-278-1598 Fax:407-203-0803

Dr. Dar's Weekly News You Can Use:

Small Steps To Success

Leo Quinn (www.LeoQuinn.com) has a very simple but effective way to set goals and create positive momentum toward them. Here's how he describes the process:

Step 1 - Decide on your top 3 goals. Goals that when reached, will dramatically improve your life.

Step 2 - Obtain a notebook with at least 70 pages in it. That means you'll have 140 sides to write on.

Step 3 - On page one write your first goal...on page two your second and so on.

Step 4 - Back to page 1...underneath your goal make note of the "gap" between where you are and where you want to be.

For example, if your goal is to have a savings account with $10,000 in it and you have $1000, your "gap" is $9000.

Your goal weight is 150 and you weigh 200, your "gap" is 50lbs.

If your "gap" isn't as easy to figure as money and weight do your best to determine your "gap" by considering what you'd have to do to close the "gap."

Step 5 - On each page make note of why this gap exists. List 3-5 reasons. No doubt about it, this will hurt. You didn't wake up one day 20 lbs overweight or $25K in debt. You made decisions and took actions to get there. Make your list.

Step 6 - On each page list the top 3-5 things you could do to begin making the gap smaller.

Step 7 - On page 4 write the date of the day you intend to start this journey. Also, on this page list three actions you will take that day to make your gap smaller. That's not three actions per goal necessarily but don't go more than a day without taking at least one action toward each goal.

Step 8 - At the end of each day write on the page for the day... "Today, I moved closer to my goals by..." and list everything you did.

Step 9 - Write the date of the next day on the next page and list three actions you will take that day to make your gap smaller.

Step 10 - Every morning review the first three pages of your notebook and get started on your day. You will repeat steps 8-10 for the 100 days or forever.

This is where simple meets easy - and rebellion and resistance raise their heads so that you can identify what holds you back. Give me a call at 407-278-1598 and let's work together so your subconscious beliefs and habits match your conscious wishes and desires. Here's to your success!

Try it out at different times of your stressful day or when your mind simply will not turn off. Be easy with yourself and know that disengaging from fear and stress allows more solutions and calm to flow to you.

Next Week: What Mentally Strong People Know